Sarah’s View: Raising Children in a Collapse World
Momma Bear’s post about birth control got me thinking: “What would it be like to be raising young children in a collapsed world? What would that look like? How would it be different from what we do...
View ArticleHand Washing Laundry
We’ve decided that our next prepper goal is to be able to hand wash laundry. Washing machines require lots of power and lots of water, if you’re without either of those doing laundry gets much harder....
View ArticleAn RV as a Bug-Out Location?
Recently Sarah and I have been discussing the value of a recreational vehicle as a portable Bug-Out Location (BOL). Some background: In the future (probably two to five years) we hope to get a five to...
View ArticleMomma Bear: Women’s Maladies
Sometimes being a woman is really the pits. I imagine it will be even worse in a post-SHTF society where our modern, quick-fix, take a pill for it remedies are no longer available. I’m talking about...
View ArticleWhen I Was Sick, An Introspection
We’re (I’m) Not Superman – – I want to preface this by saying, I don’t get sick. Because of genetics, lifestyle choices, and dumb luck I’ve lived a healthy and active life. But last week I was sick. I...
View ArticleSarah’s View: Rules vs Principles
Seattle recently passed a bag law, well actually a bag ban. This rule PROHIBITS stores from providing customers with single-use plastic bags. In addition, it REQUIRES stores to charge a minimum of...
View ArticleSeptember is National Prepardness Month
In September the federal government gives preparedness enough of a nod that it gets it’s very own month; though you rarely hear them say much more than: “Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed.” Of course...
View ArticleMomma Bear: Bugs For Dinner?
by Leah, Momma Bear - We currently feel like we’re under attack from cicadas! This is the year when the so-called 17-year periodical cicadas emerge in the BILLIONS from northern Georgia to upstate New...
View ArticleSarah’s View: What Happens With Your Body When You Die?
by Sarah Adams - Death happens. Death happens to all of us, once you are born you will die. Being prepared means being prepared for all aspects of life, and that includes death. And preparing for death...
View ArticleMomma Bear: Book Review: Wool
by Leah, Momma Bear - I recently picked up the book Wool, by Hugh Howey. There were a couple reasons I picked up this book: it was a post-apocalypse story set in a missile silo, it was originally...
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